Bookseller Charter

Inclusively Minded Booksellers:

  • are committed to ensuring that all children can find themselves in books, as well as those who are different to them

  • understand the wide-ranging nature of the term ‘diversity’ to encompass race and heritage, disability, gender and gender identity, sexual orientation, age, socio-economic status, religion, and culture

  • are pro-active, questioning who is represented, and how, in each book they stock or supply and discuss this with publisher representatives

  • ensure that the bookshop/site contains a range of inclusive books as part of the main book collection

  • keep up to date with issues surrounding diversity and inclusion and ensure all colleagues are kept informed

  • discuss the charter and chosen action points with colleagues, and distribute copies to all staff

Inclusively Minded booksellers commit to at least three action points:

(These should be reviewed every two years)


Category 1 – Core commitments

(choose at least one)

  • Audit current book stock to evaluate inclusivity/diversity and feedback to publishers about missing/underrepresented areas.
  • Attend events and discussions around the area of inclusion and diversity.
  • Demonstrate that a proportion of books available for sale are effectively inclusive and diverse and that these are given equal status; ensure all staff are aware of the inclusive books available.
  • Ensure staff receive some relevant diversity and inclusion training to motivate, educate and inspire them to ensure the bookshop is an inclusive environment. 

Category 2 – Supplementary commitments

(choose at least two)

  • Stock books by authors/illustrators from diverse groups.
  • Discuss inclusion and diversity with colleagues and challenge those who downplay its importance.
  • Seek out and support publishers who publish high-quality inclusive books.
  • For each book ask ‘Who is represented in this book, and how? Is the representation authentic?’.
  • Sign up to relevant newsletters to keep in touch with developments.
  • An action of your choice (to be agreed with Inclusive Minds).

 Benefits of signing up to the charter

  • Inclusively Minded bookshops can use the ‘We’re IN-clusively Minded – Everybody In Books’ logo on their website and literature.

  • Listing on the Everybody In website along with your action points.

  • Form part of a powerful network including other booksellers, publishers, writers, illustrators, schools, libraries and other agencies who share the commitment to improve diversity and inclusion.

  • Be a trailblazer in developing a more inclusive and representative book industry.


Endorsed by the Children's Group of the Booksellers Association